How beautiful can a construction canvas be?
After an extensive preparation process, we started the renewal of the shopping center of de Kopermolen, the redevelopment of the public space and the strengthening of the residential function in the neighborhood. Prior to these developments, demolition work is taking place, paving the way for the construction of an underground parking garage, a new location for Lidl and a collection of tiny houses on the park side of de Kopermolen. Phased construction is planned until the end of 2028.
Since last week, a large part of the Leiden Copper Mill has been surrounded by an artistic construction canvas 108 meters long. The design of this canvas is the work of Karin van Iterson, who was commissioned, through Jeroen Bakker on behalf of Simon IJsselstein, to create a canvas that is both aesthetic and informative. Her design has brought to life a temporary, colorful place that alleviates the inconvenience of the renovation for visitors and residents alike.
Van Iterson worked for months on the illustration for the canvas, using various colors and texts, each representing a distinct building theme such as sustainability and greenery, developing and building, and neighborhood connection. The basis of the design is a circular shape. With this shape, the patterns are built, the story is told and the fresh colors run together like a gamut.