Meet the greenest neighborhood in Leiden!
The Merenwijk in Leiden is also called the greenest neighborhood in Leiden. Our neighborhood shopping center De Kopermolen unites a wide range of functions and is truly a heart for the neighborhood. The future of this center is taking shape through a beautiful transformation. The relocation of a supermarket and demolition/new construction, within a more compact shopping center, creates more space for living and a special link with the neighborhood park. On the roof of the new stores, space has been made for a number of sympathetic tiny houses that stand independently of each other and at different heights. This way the residents all look out on the park from their special roof terraces, an enrichment for the neighborhood.
In the meantime, of course, we can already do something about the petrified little square behind the old HEMA building. There is temporary space there for a vegetable garden for local residents. That initiative has been received with great enthusiasm. 15 volunteers signed up to set up the vegetable garden and now 'The Copper Garden' is a fact. With enthusiastic local residents as a result. Everyone is welcome to enjoy the greenery, or to help in the garden. You can do that here every Tuesday and Saturday morning between 9:30 and noon. And of course other activities can be organized at or around the kitchen garden, such as a concert.
The site of the vegetable garden may be temporary, but it is a nice start to something new. Eventually, a new Lidl branch will be built here. And the vegetable garden? For that, of course, we are looking for a beautiful new spot.